Wharepuke Sculpture Park Artists
Below is the list of current sculpture park artists and a link to a downloadable trail guide.
We operate a rolling change over of works which allows artists to make proposals and submissions at any time of the year. Works are guaranteed a certain amount of time in the park then artists can change them or propose new works to replace sold works.

Some works are part of our growing permanent collection and some are designed to be ephemeral and to disintegrate or return to the earth.

The current trail guide can be downloaded as a PDF file from here Current Trail Guide
The following artists, listed currently have work installed on the sculpture trail.
Donald Buglass (Permanent Collection – Dalton Trust Residency 2019)
Chris Booth (Permanent Collection)
Tania Booth (Permanent Collection)
NamSook Chang (South Korea, Permanent Collection)
Regan Gentry (Permanent Collection – Dalton Trust Residency 2017)
GoldFish Creative – Debbie Fish & David Goldthorpe
Ioane Ioane (Permanent collection – Dalton Trust Residency 2021)
Kerstin Hedström (Sweden AiR 2018)
Charlie Hooker (UK – Permanent Collection – AiR 2018)
Mick Kirkby-Geddes (UK – Permanent Collection – AiR 2015)
Kelley Morrell (Canada – Permanent Collection/Ephemeral)
Richard Parker (Permanent Collection – on-going project)
Natascha Rodenburg (The Netherlands)
Todd Sheridan (Permanent Collection – Dalton Trust Residency 2018)
Tiffany Singh (Permanent Collection)